Size 11
This chill, confident stallion is all the way from Montana! He joins the JFP crew with an intense, proactive approach to the macro world. The 25 yo is no stranger to being a real man, and is our first venture into Cowboy territory! Carson exudes his dominance naturally, is very verbal, and loves to throw his power over anything that stands in his way! 'Never done somethin' like this before, but man it was so fun! I LOVE BEING A GIANT!"
Carson is also one of the most photogenic models we've worked with. With his romance novel ambience, good looks, long masculine hair, killer smile and insane body- this jock is a natural in every shape and form. He is also available for customs, upon request.
ALERT: Vore fans- Carson can burp on command better than any dude we've had in a while! He's a total machine!
Jock Foot Productions


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